Preserving Cultural Heritage
People and Places
The People and Places Project is not just a celebration, but a crucial effort to preserve the rich cultural heritage found along the Langston Boulevard corridor. In conjunction with Arlington County, LBA is collecting the stories of local people and locations that have played an important role in defining our shared sense of place in the communities along the corridor.
Renaming the Boulevard
Langston Boulevard was renamed in order to realize the years-long grassroots community effort to create a welcoming Main Street by removing the word "Highway" and to begin to reconcile the painful racial history many in our community have experienced by removing the name "Lee."
Plan Langston Boulevard
The purpose of the planning study is to develop a comprehensive vision and policy framework for the future of the Langston Boulevard Study Area through County Board adoption of a County Plan.
Environmental Sustainability and Resiliency
Transform the corridor into a ‘green main street’ by encouraging environmental sustainability. Advances in stormwater management and building design, innovative energy technologies, biophilic strategies, increased open spaces, greenways, and tree canopy will help to address and mitigate the effects of climate change including urban flooding and the heat island effect being experienced along the corridor.