Renaming Langston Boulevard

Langston Boulevard (formerly Lee Highway) was renamed in order to realize the years-long grassroots community effort to create a welcoming Main Street by removing the word "Highway" and to begin to reconcile the painful racial history many in our community have experienced by removing the name "Lee."

On December 9, 2020, the Working Group On Renaming Lee Highway selected its top choices for the corridor's new name. The Working Group’s preferred name was John M. Langston Boulevard. “The name Langston has had an incredible impact on the lives of so many African American children who grew up along [and nearby] the Lee Highway corridor” said Working Group Member Saundra Green. “It tells the story of the dark [racial] history of Arlington County as well as the County’s brightest time - when four students from Langston Elementary were the first students to integrate Virginia schools. This name tells the whole story of how Arlington has evolved and grown over the years.”

About the Process


LBA initiated the process to rename Lee Highway in order to realize the years-long grassroots community effort to create a welcoming Main Street by removing the word "Highway"and to begin to reconcile the painful racial history many in our community have experienced by removing the name "Lee."


To begin the renaming process, LBA selected 25 members of the Lee Highway community to serve on the ​"Working Group on Renaming Lee Highway." The members (see below) were comprised of representatives from LBA's Community Advisory Committee (CAC) and Langston Bouelvard  Civic Associations, local business/property owners, members of the LBA Steering Committee, Langston Boulevard residents, and local activists.

The Group's work was completed based on a charge that defined preferred outcomes, criteria and rules for new words, an outline of the process, and described LBA's Guiding Principles. The Langston Boulevard community was able to view all Working Group meetings live and submit their questions to be answered.

In addition to the Working Group, LBA appointed members to five Advisory Groups: the Branding Advisory Group, the Business & Property Owners Advisory Group, the Institutional Advisory Group, the Transportation Advisory Group, and the Neighborhood Advisory Group. These groups provided additional support to the renaming process and helped to include the greater Arlington community.

During their meetings, the Working Group On Renaming Lee Highway:

  • Agreed upon Evaluation Criteria and Rules.
  • Evaluated names submitted by the public based on the Criteria and Rules.
  • Reduced the long list to a shortlist of 20 names.
  • Sent the shortlist to be evaluated by Special Advisory Groups on Branding, Transportation, Business, Institutions, and Neighborhoods and be publicly polled by the community.
  • Based on Advisory Group and community input and dialogue during meetings, selected one preferred name and 2-4 alternatives.
  • Sent the results to the LBA Board for review.

On December 9, 2020, the Working Group On Renaming Lee Highway selected its top choices for the corridor's new name. The Working Group’s preferred name was John M. Langston Boulevard. “The name Langston has had an incredible impact on the lives of so many African American children who grew up along [and nearby] the Lee Highway corridor” said Working Group Member Saundra Green. “It tells the story of the dark [racial] history of Arlington County as well as the County’s brightest time - when four students from Langston Elementary were the first students to integrate Virginia schools. This name tells the whole story of how Arlington has evolved and grown over the years.”


After approving of the Working Group's choices, the LBA Board submitted the names chosen by the Working Group to the Arlington County Board. In order to change the name, however, the County needed approval from VA's Government leadership. In January 2021, Delegate Rip Sullivan introduced HB 1854 - a bill that would give Arlington County the authority to rename the portion of US 29 located within the County's boundaries. Matt Weinstein, Working Group Chair, and Katie Cristol, Arlington Board Member, testified in favor of the bill on January 22nd in front of the Virginia House of Delegates Transportation Committee Subcommittee. The full Transportation Committee passed the bill by a vote of 13-7. The Virginia Senate passed the bill on January 26 and was signed into law by Governor Northam on March 19. The Arlington County Board unanimously voted in favor of renaming Lee Highway to Langston Boulevard in June 2021.


*Indicates Steering Committee Member

Matthew Weinstein*, Chair of Working Group, LBA Board Member
Grace Abi-Najm Shea, Executive Vice President, Lebanese Taverna
Bill Braswell, CAC Member, Tara Leeway Heights Civic Association
Ginger Brown*, Executive Director, LBA
Mike Cantwell, LBA Board & CAC Member, President of Yorktown Civic Association
Sandra Chesrown*, LBA Board, Chair of CAC, Vice Chair of Plan Langston Boulevard
Lynn Coates, Arlington Artists Alliance, Arlington Commission for the Arts Member, and South Arlington Resident
Elaine Furlow*, LBA Board, Chair of Communications Committee
Saundra Green, CAC Member, Calloway Church
Lauren Harris, Owner & Director, Little Ambassadors Academy
Mike Hogan, CAC Member, Old Dominion Civic Association
Paul Holland*, Chair of Plan Langston Boulevard, Vice President of Waverly Hills Civic Association
Wilma Jones, CAC Member, President of John M. Langston Civic Association
Jeff Joseph, Board Member, R.E.A.D.
Minneh Kane, Arlington Engagement Brigade and Woodmont Civic Association
Ben Keeney, CAC Member, North Highlands Civic Association
Diane Kelly, CAC Member, President of Waycroft Woodlawn Civic Association
Anika Kwinana, Chair, Arlington Commission for the Arts & Arlington for Justice Steering Committee Member
Annie Moyer, Owner, Sun Moon Yoga Studio
​Maia Potok-Holmes*, Communications Manager, LBA
Richard Price, LBA Board & CAC Member, Woodmont Civic Association
Andy Rude, CAC Member, Lyon Village Civic Association
Julius D. Spain, Sr., Arlington Branch President and Regional VP, NAACP
Jim Todd, CAC Member, President of Cherrydale Citizens Association
Tom Wolfe, LBA Board, CAC Member, Leeway Overlee Civic Association

About Langston
"Old" Lee Highway

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